Monday, April 26, 2010

baby, baby, baby.

part 1
location: rcb (stands for red carnation ball, the tke formal).
nick and taylor decided they are going to fight for my honor. we're talking full out jousting here. jeter's date, hope, and i are watching in the box that's supposed to be reserved for the king and queen (because now, we're actually in a jousting arena) and i lean over to her and say, "you know, this would probably be much more noble if i was still a virgin and had honor to defend." at this point, alisha pops up from behind my chair and goes, "it's called a lance, hellooooo."

part 2
location: phelps computer lab.
only, it's outside. on a hill. and i have to put my rolling chair up and it keeps rolling down the hill. josh and michelle show up and help me push my (now 300lb chair) up the hill to the computer desk where we put rocks around it to keep it from moving.

part 3
location: alisha, mine, and nicole's apartment next semester.
but it's not like the apartments in the apartment complex we're living in next year. it's a loft-style apartment and i have a daughter. that's right, i have a daughter. an adorable little blonde haired girl that looks a lot like i did when i was two (how old she was). we're having a party, so she's in her room playing. greg and ethan have been invited and are playing beer pong, but taylor has to sneak in because he was not invited (if you know the situation, this is VERY odd). i go upstairs (sort of) to check on my daughter (that's weird to say even in this context) and walk in on alisha and her bf having sex on a couch that's in the hall. i tell them to cover it up because there's a kid in the house. i go in and check on her and taylor follows me, telling me he wants to hold his little girl. i say no and keep insisting that she's not his and he goes, "i've got the paternity test results. she's mine, hand her over." to which i refuse and wake up.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


this dream was SCARY. and not scary in a "things jumping out at you or chasing you" sort of way, but scary is in "oh my god i hope this never ever ever ever ever EVER happens." unfortunately, i can't go into much more detail. let's just say it involves some things being shown to some people that those some people never need to see. ever. yeah.

Friday, April 9, 2010


well i don't remember the dream, but it must have been a helluva physically trying one. i woke up with both blankets on the floor, sheets pulled to one side of the bed (with them wrapped around my ankle) and the covers to the other side. i had pushed my pillow through the little slot in the headboard and i was slightly out of breath.

man, i really wish i could remember this one.

Monday, April 5, 2010


i experienced the wonderful, deep dreamless sleep last night. you know the kind. where your mind doesn't have the energy to show you anything but black and your body doesn't have the energy to move around and you wake up in the same position you fell asleep in. it was fabulous.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

toads, snakes, and turtles.

first dream: i'm in the story "the wind in the willows," helping mr. toad to fix his car. it's all very similar to that scene in "alice in wonderland" where the white rabbit is barking orders at alice, calling her mary ann, only mr. toad was calling me mary jane. i kept telling him my name was kat and he insisted it couldn't be because "cats eat toads." i told him, "i've had frog legs before. does that count enough for you to call me by my name?" he freaked and ran to get the badger and the mole.

second dream: i forgot.

third dream: i'm laying on the dock at my grandparents' house at the lake. in front of me, there's a hole in the dock that goes straight through to the water. on my side, is kind of a step down so you can see between the different levels of the dock. i see a snake laying under the level of the dock that i am on, right next to the hole so i take my camera, put it on a self-timer and set it next to the snake to take a picture of it. as i'm telling my mother what i'm doing, the snake takes the camera in his mouth and pushes it into the hole and into the water. quickly, i go to grab it, but he follows it into the water and i do not want to get bitten by him. forgetting that it's april and the water is cold, i jump in, put on some goggles and grab the camera off the bottom of the lake then get out of the water as quickly as i can because the snake is still in there. i look on the shore and see a turtle, a very large turtle (sea turtle size, much larger than the turtles that reside in lake murray) and he's waving at me. i go to take a picture because i know that no one will believe me when i tell them i saw a turtle of that size waving at me. but just as i go to snap the picture, he dives in the water and speeds off to the little point of land that juts out into the lake a good 50 yards away. again he waves, but in a more beckoning way, asking me to follow him. just as i'm about to step foot in the water to get to him, i wake up.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


so i used to have this rule, right? and this rule was: no sexing guys i'm not in a relationship with. cause, to be perfectly honest, it wasn't working out for me. at all. well, apparently i'm not the only one to have had this rule because i was on the other day and there was a text on there from this guy to his friend about a girl who told him the same thing. only, he told his friend that he dated her for an hour, then broke up with her.

last night, in my dream, i witnessed taylor send this message to greg (obviously, about me). and for the rest of the dream, i wandered in and out of various rooms in a trance. all of these rooms were decorated with comic book hero themes. some that i can recall were: batman, deadpool, kick ass, spiderman, the scarlet spider, the fantastic four, and wonderwoman.