Monday, April 26, 2010

baby, baby, baby.

part 1
location: rcb (stands for red carnation ball, the tke formal).
nick and taylor decided they are going to fight for my honor. we're talking full out jousting here. jeter's date, hope, and i are watching in the box that's supposed to be reserved for the king and queen (because now, we're actually in a jousting arena) and i lean over to her and say, "you know, this would probably be much more noble if i was still a virgin and had honor to defend." at this point, alisha pops up from behind my chair and goes, "it's called a lance, hellooooo."

part 2
location: phelps computer lab.
only, it's outside. on a hill. and i have to put my rolling chair up and it keeps rolling down the hill. josh and michelle show up and help me push my (now 300lb chair) up the hill to the computer desk where we put rocks around it to keep it from moving.

part 3
location: alisha, mine, and nicole's apartment next semester.
but it's not like the apartments in the apartment complex we're living in next year. it's a loft-style apartment and i have a daughter. that's right, i have a daughter. an adorable little blonde haired girl that looks a lot like i did when i was two (how old she was). we're having a party, so she's in her room playing. greg and ethan have been invited and are playing beer pong, but taylor has to sneak in because he was not invited (if you know the situation, this is VERY odd). i go upstairs (sort of) to check on my daughter (that's weird to say even in this context) and walk in on alisha and her bf having sex on a couch that's in the hall. i tell them to cover it up because there's a kid in the house. i go in and check on her and taylor follows me, telling me he wants to hold his little girl. i say no and keep insisting that she's not his and he goes, "i've got the paternity test results. she's mine, hand her over." to which i refuse and wake up.

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