Friday, November 4, 2011


Michelle and I went out to this place that looked like a club but also a restaurant and was sort of outside as well. This guy came up to me as we were leaving (Annick was our ride home and she had just gotten there to take us) to give me a hug. I was like, okay, he's drunk I'll give him a hug and that's that. But then he started grabbing my boob and like pinching my nipple. So I tried pushing him away and he goes, "What are you doing?" and I said "What are you doing? I don't even know you!" and he says, "I'm just trying to have a good time," so I say, "Not with my boobs!" and run outside.

So Michelle wants to go there again the next night but I don't want to because of this whole fiasco. But we decide to anyway, even with me being so reluctant. So, once again, Annick drives me to where Michelle is staying, with this friend of hers, Alli, who no longer speaks to Michelle and who no longer lives in Rock Hill. So we get there and Michelle and Josh are there with a surprise which really isn't a surprise. Michelle just got really shiny shoes and wanted to show everyone. Michelle and Annick were getting along so I'm not sure why she was staying with Alli in the dream. She ended up having to borrow something of mine and said, "I'll just mail it back to the house after I clean it." And I said, "You know, you could just bring it back yourself. Actually come to the house you live in." And she goes, "I live here with Josh now." (Apparently, Alli, Josh, and Michelle lived here. Idk) So we go to leave and as I'm walking out the door, Josh whispers to me, "I hate this," and I said, "Me too." And then I woke up.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

flashes of dreams.

I was driving my dad to all of these yard sales which were each in houses along our street so he could've walked to any one of them. He was looking for something specific but I don't remember what. Each one was owned by a girl I went to high school with who is now in the sorority ADPi at their respective colleges. Mindy was trying to sell me this stuffed dog for $59.99 and I was like don't you understand the concept of a yard sale? Then she explained to me that the dog used to be her real dog that she had stuffed after he died and that's why he cost so much. Oh, each of the yard sales also had this giant old fashioned popcorn machine at them too and throughout the rest of the dream, I was carrying a large bag of popcorn I'd bought at one of their yard sales.

Next, I was watching a combination of "Pinocchio," "The Little Mermaid," "Beauty and the Beast," and "The Hangover" happen. I was a mermaid witnessing Alan (from "The Hangover") sitting in the mouth of Monstro, who was trying not to eat him, but to kill him. A mermaid who looked like Ariel but with a split fin came from out of the whale's throat to help Alan survive this monster that Monstro was trying to feed him to.

Next, Andrea, Alan, Ariel-look-alike, Greg, another guy I don't remember, and I were in my living room and we all started slow dancing. The ceiling was like the one in "Beauty and the Beast." I started to dance with Alan but he stopped saying that with my heels I was too tall for him. So Greg came up and took his place.

Then, I was in the kitchen taking off my heels, which I had actually put on over a pair of American flag socks which were on top of another pair of heels, which were on top of a pair of thick white socks. I watched myself methodically take each layer off, then put the second set of heels back on.

Next, I was in some hallway watching my sister get busted for having a fake id.

Then, I was back in my living room and the only person left was Greg because it was 4:38AM and everyone else had gone home. I told Greg that he could stay the night here with me since I didn't want to stay home alone tonight. He agreed (something dream Greg never does) and I woke up as we were getting into bed together.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I'm a badass in my dreams.

So this serial killer was attacking those who lived in Rutledge (in this dream, there actually were legit dorm rooms in Rutledge that looked similar to the giant, unrealistic dorm rooms you see in movies located kind of beside/behind one of the sculpture rooms). As I'm walking back to my room (at the ready because, hey, there's a serial killer out there) bats start flying down the hallway, something that's apparently very common in dream Rutledge because all who live there know to get down and army crawl when it's bat season in the (now much shorter) hallways. I make it back to my room and my new bff Jeff is there. I don't really know who he is in real life (supposedly you never "invent" a face when you're dreaming), but to dream Kathryne he was her best friend that she had just recently met. I know, I know. Dream Kathryne is not that smart. Anyway, we're sitting on my bed talking and he goes, "Oh, by the way, I'm that serial killer everyone's looking for" and he pulls out a knife. At first, I tried to reason with him saying, "Hey, we're best friends. You shouldn't kill your best friend." And he said, "How do you think I got all those other people to trust me?" When I realized reasoning wouldn't work, I remembered a little known fact they had told people about this guy's psychological disorder (cause, you know, that accompanies all serial killers) was that he couldn't stand it when anyone looked him in the eye. So I shut up and just stared at him straight on. He started freaking out and yelling, "Damnit! You know that's my weakness! Please stop! Don't do that to me!" and slapping himself and hitting his head against the wall. When I realized that his focus was no longer on me and instead on his crazy rampage, I got up and walked out of the room and told him to turn the lights off when he left to save energy.

As I got outside my room, someone with clay all over them ran out of the room with the kiln in it and goes, "There's a killing machine in there!" I point behind me and say, "There's one in there, too," put my sunglasses on, and keep walking (Horatio-style).

Monday, April 26, 2010

baby, baby, baby.

part 1
location: rcb (stands for red carnation ball, the tke formal).
nick and taylor decided they are going to fight for my honor. we're talking full out jousting here. jeter's date, hope, and i are watching in the box that's supposed to be reserved for the king and queen (because now, we're actually in a jousting arena) and i lean over to her and say, "you know, this would probably be much more noble if i was still a virgin and had honor to defend." at this point, alisha pops up from behind my chair and goes, "it's called a lance, hellooooo."

part 2
location: phelps computer lab.
only, it's outside. on a hill. and i have to put my rolling chair up and it keeps rolling down the hill. josh and michelle show up and help me push my (now 300lb chair) up the hill to the computer desk where we put rocks around it to keep it from moving.

part 3
location: alisha, mine, and nicole's apartment next semester.
but it's not like the apartments in the apartment complex we're living in next year. it's a loft-style apartment and i have a daughter. that's right, i have a daughter. an adorable little blonde haired girl that looks a lot like i did when i was two (how old she was). we're having a party, so she's in her room playing. greg and ethan have been invited and are playing beer pong, but taylor has to sneak in because he was not invited (if you know the situation, this is VERY odd). i go upstairs (sort of) to check on my daughter (that's weird to say even in this context) and walk in on alisha and her bf having sex on a couch that's in the hall. i tell them to cover it up because there's a kid in the house. i go in and check on her and taylor follows me, telling me he wants to hold his little girl. i say no and keep insisting that she's not his and he goes, "i've got the paternity test results. she's mine, hand her over." to which i refuse and wake up.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


this dream was SCARY. and not scary in a "things jumping out at you or chasing you" sort of way, but scary is in "oh my god i hope this never ever ever ever ever EVER happens." unfortunately, i can't go into much more detail. let's just say it involves some things being shown to some people that those some people never need to see. ever. yeah.

Friday, April 9, 2010


well i don't remember the dream, but it must have been a helluva physically trying one. i woke up with both blankets on the floor, sheets pulled to one side of the bed (with them wrapped around my ankle) and the covers to the other side. i had pushed my pillow through the little slot in the headboard and i was slightly out of breath.

man, i really wish i could remember this one.

Monday, April 5, 2010


i experienced the wonderful, deep dreamless sleep last night. you know the kind. where your mind doesn't have the energy to show you anything but black and your body doesn't have the energy to move around and you wake up in the same position you fell asleep in. it was fabulous.